
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

Young Researchers at the Science-Policy Interface for Climate and Biodiversity

In July 2022, approximately 80 young researchers from China and Germany came together and developed concrete recommendations aimed at strengthening the science-policy interface for climate and biodiversity.

A key outcome of the virtual workshop was the synthesis of insights and recommendations into a policy brief. Some key recommendations included:

Ÿ   Bilateral, multilateral, cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary research partnerships, especially for young scientists, should be fostered to address the challenges associated with the interdependence of climate and biodiversity research;

Ÿ   Increasing exchange, communication and mutual understanding between scientists, policy makers and funding bodies is needed to foster policy-relevant research and implementation;

Ÿ   Funding bodies also play an important role at the science-policy interface. They need to increase awareness of funding opportunities, ease access to funds and enhance communication and coordination.

A strong evidence base along with a well-functioning science-policy interface is required to halt further negative impacts from climate change and biodiversity loss. As future leading scientists and decision-makers, young researchers worldwide play a key role in this regard. For example, young scientists can support the development of forward-looking research questions, anticipate digital solutions and strengthen interdisciplinary science. Furthermore, decision-makers can be made more aware of the potential of synergetic solutions for climate and biodiversity, like nature-based solutions.


This policy brief is an output of the first virtual workshop for young researchers from China and Germany held in the summer of 2022, which was organized in the context of the longstanding collaboration between the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). In close collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme – International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), the workshop brought together over 80 young researchers from China, Germany, and other Asian, European, and African countries, fostering networking and identify future collaboration opportunities.

The next virtual workshop for young researchers is planned for 2024.

Source: https://www.bfn.de/en/latest-news/young-researchers-science-policy-interface-climate-and-biodiversity

For full details please refer to:Strengthening the science-policy interface for climate and biodiversity
